Since purchasing a cheap waterproof cycling jacket several years ago, its uses have been limited. On a rainy day with the temps above 45, it is oppressively hot and rain-forest-like. However today was perfect for its use. Wearing a wicking t shirt, stretchy long pants, a warm cap and gloves, today's weather (dry, breezy, mid to high 30's) suited the jacket fine. No sweaty arms, which is usually the first sign of discomfort.
I'll definitely use the jacket more in the future, weather permitting.
The creek and river which run along our greenway were full from the rain we got yesterday. Water was over the path at several points but I didn't have to turn back until I was about 1/2 way to Cason Lane. The water appeared deep but crossable until I got in the middle of it, at which point crossing seemed a bad idea. Turning around, I had to put my foot down into frigid water. Luckily I only had about 4 miles to ride home.